Driftwood, 1909 por Winslow Homer - Impressão em papel - MFA Boston Custom Prints - Impressões e molduras personalizadas do Museu de Belas Artes de Boston (2024)

Winslow Homer pintadoMadeira flutuanteaos setenta e três anos. Foi a última tela concluída por este prolífico artista americano e há muitas evidências que sugerem que ele a concebeu como sua obra de arte final, certo de que nunca mais pintaria.Madeira flutuantepode, portanto, ser considerado o culminar da obra de Homero, um resumo dos principais temas de toda a sua obra: nostalgia, masculinidade e, mais importante, mortalidade.

Madeira flutuanteé a última das muitas pinturas de Homero a retratar um destemido marinheiro, um tema que ele explorou desde a década de 1880 em composições comoO aviso de nevoeiro. A sua ressonância aumenta quando é examinada no contexto de outras pinturas que Homero fez na mesma época, quando deixou de retratar a competição dramática entre o homem e a natureza, característica de tantas das suas imagens anteriores, e concentrou-se, em vez disso, no tema universal da morte. Por exemplo,Direita e esquerda(1909, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.), a penúltima pintura de Homero, capta o momento em que dois pássaros, baleados por um caçador, caem sem vida no eterno abismo do mar.Madeira flutuanteoferece um cenário semelhante em que o protagonista enfrenta a vitória inevitável da natureza. É difícil imaginar como o pequeno marinheiro curvado conseguirá manobrar com sua corda o grande tronco caído da árvore. As dificuldades sombrias que ele enfrenta são visualmente reforçadas pelo domínio do mar, que preenche a maior parte da tela. Homer também enfatiza a expansividade do oceano ao criar um movimento diagonal alternado com pigmentos claros e escuros que leva o olhar do observador para o horizonte. Um pequeno navio no fundo à esquerda indica a distância que a água se estende. A gaivota do lado direito da cena fornece outro ponto de comparação para escala; ambos os objetos são pistas de perspectiva para o espectador. Essas qualidades formais ajudam a transmitir o alcance avassalador do mar e funcionam como uma metáfora para as contemplações da mortalidade do protagonista – e, por extensão, do artista (e do espectador).

Driftwood, 1909 por Winslow Homer - Impressão em papel - MFA Boston Custom Prints - Impressões e molduras personalizadas do Museu de Belas Artes de Boston (2024)


Why is Winslow Homer important? ›

Winslow Homer (1836–1910) is regarded by many as the greatest American painter of the nineteenth century. Born in Boston and raised in rural Cambridge, he began his career as a commercial printmaker, first in Boston and then in New York, where he settled in 1859. He briefly studied oil painting in the spring of 1861.

Is Winslow Homer dead? ›

Winslow Homer (born February 24, 1836, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.—died September 29, 1910, Prouts Neck, Maine) was an American painter whose works, particularly those on marine subjects, are among the most powerful and expressive of late 19th-century American art.

What are some interesting facts about Winslow Homer? ›

Following his apprenticeship, Homer worked as a free-lance illustrator for such magazines as Harper's Weekly. In 1859 he moved to New York City, where began his career as a painter. He visited the front during the Civil War and his first important paintings were of Civil War subjects. In 1867 he spent a year in France.

What elements of art did Winslow Homer use? ›

A man of multiple talents, Homer excelled equally in the arts of illustration, oil painting, and watercolor. Many of his works—depictions of children at play and in school, farm girls attending to their work, hunters and their prey—have become classic images of 19th-century American life.

What art techniques did Winslow Homer use? ›

Homer liked to paint with watercolors because the medium allowed him to ex- periment freely. Since watercolors are easy to carry, he could go out into nature and make sketches on the spot. Watercolors can be used in various ways. Here's one technique to try when painting water and sky in landscapes.

Was Winslow Homer religious? ›

Homer himself was "not an openly religious person," but his letters reveal a "hybrid of Protestant faith and secular rationalism shared in this era by New Englanders of his class and education," writes Foster.

Was Winslow Homer self taught? ›

Largely self-taught, Homer began his career working as a commercial illustrator. He subsequently took up oil painting and produced major studio works characterized by the weight and density he exploited from the medium.

What style is Winslow Homer known for? ›

Winslow Homer (February 24, 1836 – September 29, 1910) was an American landscape painter and illustrator, best known for his marine subjects. He is considered one of the foremost painters of 19th-century America and a preeminent figure in American art in general. Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. Prouts Neck, Maine, U.S.

Does Homer love Maggie? ›

Homer was miserable at work again, but he instantly fell in love with Maggie when she was born.

Does Homer lose his thumb? ›

In the episode, Homer's rush to the hospital to re-attach his severed thumb, Lisa's rush to school to win the science fair, and Bart's run-in with an illegal fireworks scheme are interconnected as each act tells the events of the same day, but from a different point of view.

Is Homer an abusive father? ›

After three and a half decades of casual comedic domestic abuse, Homer Simpson has officially stopped strangling his trouble-making son in a rare moment of conscientious progress from a paunchy patriarch not known for being forward-thinking.

Did Winslow Homer have a wife? ›

Winslow Homer never did marry, never had a Homer girl of his own. He was a lifelong bachelor, and it's hard to know if he was unlucky in love or uninterested or what.

What are two interesting facts about Homer? ›

If real, he is believed to have lived about the 9th or 8th century BCE and was a native of Ionia. A poet in the oral tradition, his works were likely transcribed by others. He is traditionally portrayed as blind, and some claim he was illiterate.

Did Winslow Homer get married? ›

Winslow Homer never married and has no known children. According to Smithsonian Magazine, a friend of Homer's stated that the artist had had love affairs during his lifetime.

Was Winslow Homer a realism painter? ›

Homer was an artist that was a part of a movement called realism during the time period of late 1800's to early 1900's.

Was Winslow Homer an impressionist? ›

But Homer's acute observation of nature — light, atmosphere, weather — his use of wet-on-wet painting and tendency to paint from life qualify him as an Impressionist.

How many paintings did Winslow Homer make? ›

Winslow Homer - 147 artworks - painting.

What is realism in art definition? ›

realism, in the arts, the accurate, detailed, unembellished depiction of nature or of contemporary life. Realism rejects imaginative idealization in favour of a close observation of outward appearances. As such, realism in its broad sense has comprised many artistic currents in different civilizations.


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